Monday, July 20, 2009

Stop complaining. Not everyone reads the books.

I recently went to see the newest Harry Potter movie at midnight when it was released all over America. It was wonderful. I have loved Harry Potter from the moment I started reading them. The movies have also been quite good. My favorite part of the movies are the casting. When I read the books the characters come to life a lot better knowing what they look like. With the exception of one character, the majority are exactly as I would imagine. Good job to the casting directors. After watching the movie, I was pumped. However, not everyone felt the way I did.

Ever since movies have been based off of literature, people have knocked film makers for destroying everything the books says. I will admit it. Sometimes the story is butchered to make a blockbuster movie. Lately, I have been taking another stance on this. People complained about the newest Harry Potter not being like the book or having scenes missing or added. People are also very picky and ridiculous. The newest movie was excellent. I have read the book several times and I didn't even care about the contents of the movie. It was very good. I just think people need to shut up. They don't realize that the books have a lot of information that isn't really important to the overall storyline. To make the entire book would be insane. People don't want to see a 9 hour movie. Ok, I might, but this isn't about me.

Another thing people have to realize is that not everyone who is a viewer of the movies are readers. People are involved with the story and have never even lifted a page. It makes me excited to watch the movie with a person like that. I know what is coming and they don't. What is better than that? I mean I would like to be surprised, too, but that doesn't happen when you have read the books. So, be courteous. Some people don't know what is coming.

Finally, I think people just want something to complain about. This is probably the most true. I am even a victim of that. We aren't perfect. I just thought I would share.

Monday, June 22, 2009

TCM saved my life.

I am a graduate now. I have a degree. I also don't have a job. I want one. I really do. I want to start a career and live a long happy life. I want to make money, get married, have kids, and then own my own movie theater. However, I need to get that job first. I have been looking, but times are hard for someone as picky as me. All the jobs I want require experience that I don't have. It's bittersweet. I have kept myself busy in the time between looking for jobs.

Turner Classic Movies might be the greatest thing ever. I love the channel. I love the movies. Where else can you see such great stories without all the muck and mess that has polluted Hollywood now? Now, don't get me wrong. I love movies of today. I just feel like people try too hard. Back then it was so easy. You had all the basic elements you have today. They just managed to do it within an hour and a half. That is another problem I am having with movies of today. Why do they feel like they need to make the Godfather out of a Rom-Com? It makes no sense. You don't need to make movies that long when it can all be said in less time. Oh well.

They were pretty risque back in the day too. Sometimes it is hard to find, but it is there. Take for instance the movie Some Like It Hot. This movie had two guys running around in drag for a majority of the film. Strong undertones and probably one of the funniest movies of all time. Another movie I have watched recently is Bringing Up Baby. This was one of the first movies that recognized the word Gay as referencing something other than being happy. Look at all these movies. That was pretty bold if I must say so. So there is your controversy that people love.

Most of all, I just miss the elegance that came from Hollywood during those years. Celebrities were much more private. People weren't so obsessed as they are now. All this paparazzi madness is ridiculous. Maybe I am the crazy one and I wasn't there. How could I know what it was like? I like to think I am right though.

A guy can dream. In this dream, nothing is playing in theaters but movies like Harvey, The Philadelphia Story, Roman Holiday, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Some Like It Hot, Robin Hood(Errol Flynn not anyone else), etc.

I am just a sucker for the old stuff.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Beginning of the End

Here it is, folks. This is the moment I have been waiting for. It has been four years in the making and the anticipation is killing me. I will soon finish college. ( AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!) That's right! After four years, I have made it to my last semester of college. It was a rough road, but I did succeed. I even transferred colleges twice just to get where I am at. I will get a BA in Public Relations when I leave Harding University in May. Sounds good, right? Where do I go from there?

I don't know how people do it. I mean all I have ever known for the past few years have been school and having fun here with my friends. That is all about to change. I am about to get my bubble popped. When that happens, I will be free falling with no solid ground to fall on. It is a scary world out there. I know some college students can relate. The economy is in shambles. Jobs are being cut every where. Why would anyone be looking for someone like me? That is the question I need to answer. I need to make myself known and get my name out there. I am done being the college student I once was. It is time to grow up.

However, growing up is far away from where I want to be. I don't want to become hard nosed and no fun. Why would I want that for myself? Why would I wish that upon anyone. I just think it is silly to change your whole self completely just because the world pushes you out of her nest and expects you to fly. Maybe I would like to fall for a while and walk a bit on the ground. I still want to be fun and spontaneous. I still want people to know who I am and what I am capable of. I want people to know that I mix business and pleasure. I hope employers can handle that. I don't think I could work for a stiff institution that has absolutely no sense of humor. It might be a tall order, but I am aiming high. I don't want to take a miserable job just because my teachers tell me that is how I am supposed to start. I don't believe them. I haven't for this long and look where it has got me. Here. On the verge of my degree.

I just don't want to end up like this guy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

He had yellow eyes! So, help me, God! Yellow eyes!

This is my first time blogging. I take that back. I did have one, but it turned out to be more of a open diary than an everyday blog. Although, I give my old blog credit. It had some valid statements I believe. I may carry those over to here one day. However, I figured I would start anew.

Since we are coming up on the holidays, I have been thinking about all the traditions and crazy things that my family does. One thing that always pops into my head is my Uncle Jeff. Uncle Jeff is in his 40s and farms and is just one of those kinds of guys, ya know? He works hard, loves sports(and hates them because that is how Cincinnati fans are), and hunts and fishes like any other uncle should. There is that uncle that everyone has though. You know exactly what I am talking about. Besides the point of having that crazy uncle, my uncle Jeff does one thing every Christmas. He watches his favorite movie constantly, A Christmas Story. He not only watches it, he quotes it, wears t-shirts about it, and makes sure everyone else watches it too. That is one reason I love Christmas-time.

I recently read an article about this movie and the ever growing phenomenon surrounding the it. It has been 25 years since the release of the film and it still has a huge gathering. This is just another one of those movies that can be considered a cult classic. Though this movie doesn't necessarily look like a Rocky Horror Picture Show or any other midnight movie, its fans are just as ridiculous and widespread. Star Trek has Trekkies and A Christmas Story has "Ralphies?" This title is taken from the lead character of the movie. How insane is that? It is crazy enough to me that a television network,TBS, airs the movie for 24 hours straight. Now, its fans have their own title? I love it! There are t-shirts about the movie. I know, I gave them to my uncle as a present. The movie has spawned other merchandise, including the famous leg lamp that Ralphie's father gets as an "award." There is also a museum dedicated to the movie. It is in the house in Cleveland, Ohio, where the movie was filmed. This museum has over 30,000 visitors each year! If you want to read more about this, I read this all from an article on

I just thought I would share a little about some things that I look forward to when December rolls around. I encourage every one to look at those things you cherish and keep them close. These are things you can continue to pass down as we all grow older. I love A Christmas Story and some day I hope my children and my children's children will as well. Also, instead of going out on Christmas Eve, stay in. TBS will be airing the movie all day and it makes for great entertainment.

Have a Merry Christmas, everyone.

"You'll shoot your eye out!"