This is my first time blogging. I take that back. I did have one, but it turned out to be more of a open diary than an everyday blog. Although, I give my old blog credit. It had some valid statements I believe. I may carry those over to here one day. However, I figured I would start anew.
Since we are coming up on the holidays, I have been thinking about all the traditions and crazy things that my family does. One thing that always pops into my head is my Uncle Jeff. Uncle Jeff is in his 40s and farms and is just one of those kinds of guys, ya know? He works hard, loves sports(and hates them because that is how Cincinnati fans are), and hunts and fishes like any other uncle should. There is that uncle that everyone has though. You know exactly what I am talking about. Besides the point of having that crazy uncle, my uncle Jeff does one thing every Christmas. He watches his favorite movie constantly, A Christmas Story. He not only watches it, he quotes it, wears t-shirts about it, and makes sure everyone else watches it too. That is one reason I love Christmas-time.
I recently read an article about this movie and the ever growing phenomenon surrounding the it. It has been 25 years since the release of the film and it still has a huge gathering. This is just another one of those movies that can be considered a cult classic. Though this movie doesn't necessarily look like a Rocky Horror Picture Show or any other midnight movie, its fans are just as ridiculous and widespread. Star Trek has Trekkies and A Christmas Story has "Ralphies?" This title is taken from the lead character of the movie. How insane is that? It is crazy enough to me that a television network,TBS, airs the movie for 24 hours straight. Now, its fans have their own title? I love it! There are t-shirts about the movie. I know, I gave them to my uncle as a present. The movie has spawned other merchandise, including the famous leg lamp that Ralphie's father gets as an "award." There is also a museum dedicated to the movie. It is in the house in Cleveland, Ohio, where the movie was filmed. This museum has over 30,000 visitors each year! If you want to read more about this, I read this all from an article on
I just thought I would share a little about some things that I look forward to when December rolls around. I encourage every one to look at those things you cherish and keep them close. These are things you can continue to pass down as we all grow older. I love A Christmas Story and some day I hope my children and my children's children will as well. Also, instead of going out on Christmas Eve, stay in. TBS will be airing the movie all day and it makes for great entertainment.
Have a Merry Christmas, everyone.
"You'll shoot your eye out!"